Independent Bookstores

Los Angeles

A list of independent bookstores located in and around Los Ángeles, arranged by category: New, Used and Other/Specialty. Some bookstores sell both new and used books, but are listed under the category that best fits the individual store. Each bookstore is linked to its website or Facebook Page, where you can get information on author readings, books in stock, book signings, etc.

New books 
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Discover a writer

Martina Reisz Newberry

Martina Reisz Newberry

Martina Reisz Newberry is the author of 8 books of poetry. She has been awarded residencies at Yaddo Colony for the Arts, Djerassi Colony for the Arts, and Anderson Center for Disciplinary Arts. Passionate in her love for Los Angeles, Martina currently lives there with her husband, Brian, a Media Creative.

Discover a writer

Brytney Reeves/Queen Ex

Brytney Reeves/Queen Ex

Queen Ex is a Los Angeles-born poet who started writing at age 10, published at age 12, and performed spoken word starting at age 16 in Oakland. Three years later, her writing became works of fiction that remained unpublished as she pursued a communications career in her hometown. As a poet she toured the L.A. indie scene, won a Rising Star Music Award in 2014, was briefly an erotic fiction ghostwriter, and worked with various entertainment professionals while studying media communications at Full Sail University. In 2015, her work as a host and production assistant on Callywood Media Network founded her ambitions to produce more podcasts and eventually radio-plays. Two years later, she joined the Community Literature Initiative Program and became the author she dreamed she could be. In 2019, her first collection of fiction, HIDDEN MOMENTS, was published by World Stage Press. Periodically she gives guest lectures on the creative process, writes for online publications, and recites poetry at events. As of 2021, bringing financial literacy to creative professionals has been a major focus of her public platform. She currently lives in Los Angeles and expects to publish more works in the future. "As a poet and an optimist, I believe I can change lives through unique outreach and communication skills. I have seen it happen firsthand. My story has value and I make it a priority to help others tell theirs." - Queen Ex